Compliance with Environmental Code, etc.

Effort Status

  • In accordance with the Environmental Management System, we comply with environmental code, etc.
  • We promote prevention activities, and prevent accidents/pollution, etc.

Code Compliance based on the Environmental Management System

  • We gather information on environmental code etc. relating to our company's business activities, record and manage updates as a "List of Legally Required Items" and make this widely known in the company.
  • Based on the list above, we incorporate legally required items into the "Environmental Aspects Management Plan", and make clear the applicable code that should be complied with by various Divisions.
  • The "Environmental Aspects Management Plan" covers specific work and activities for legal compliance, and is used to review compliance status at the monthly Environmental Conservation Meeting held at every business location.

Prevention Activities

Facility countermeasures

For factories (processes) and facilities which use chemicals and oils, triple, quadruple or quintuple leak/spread prevention improvements are carried out, in our efforts to prevent soil pollution and water pollution.

Example of surface treatment equipment improvement

Example of surface treatment equipment improvement


Please feel free to get in touch about
product information or transactions, recruitment, etc.


Contact hours are 8:30 to 17:00, excluding our company holidays.